“The more aware we are of our inner landscape, the more alignment with the natural flow of life we attain”
The feeling of creative flow is something I grew up experiencing regularly primarily through sports. I was ‘in the zone’ much of the time as I was fortunate enough to be able to pursue my sporting passion as a young person. Following my education, my career path took me on a creative journey through the telecommunications industry, motherhood, the fields of counselling and psychotherapy, business and life coaching, and yoga teaching. In more recent years my energies have focused more strongly on the creative arts and in my artistic practice I am particularly interested in the transformational power of art to both heal and inspire positive change. My artwork, consulting work (see Dawnonyou.com) and yoga teaching are rooted in a core intention to facilitate awareness both individually and collectively, something I feel is immensely important for the human race at large now more than ever.
As I create, I experience viscerally the feeling of flow when I connect with a concept or idea. As a work unfolds, I recognise the non-dual space where my inner senses and the external resources meet. It is very much a felt sense that has a certain magic and joy for me, a sense of alchemy. The greatest joy comes from a natural unfolding that often surprises and delights me.
It gives me great pleasure when someone connects with something in themselves by engaging with one of my works. Inner connection enables awareness which opens doors to either peaceful acceptance of what is or to new possibilities for change (sometimes transformational), both individually and collectively.